OTT platform
Give a new life to your content and multiply its distribution Be the owner of your videos. Leave YouTube behind and start having a direct relationship with your subscribers and decide on your income
Give a new life to your content and multiply its distribution Be the owner of your videos. Leave YouTube behind and start having a direct relationship with your subscribers and decide on your income
• Management of videos and live events
• Multiplatform distribution and CDN friendly
• Interactive and monetization tools
• Integration with payment platforms: Product, customer and billing management
• You’re the boss. We create your OTT in just 6 weeks
• Customized frontends for web, Android, iOS and AndroidTV
• With your own monetization strategy: Freemium, AVoD (Advertisement VoD), SVoD(Subscription VoD) and TVoD (Transactional VoD)
•Gamification and user engagement strategies applied
• Simple and intuitive interface for loading content
• Organize channels and sections
• Categorization and labeling
• Advertising and subscription management
• Available immediately in all distributed apps without the need for slow updates
• Know your users behaviour
• Most viewed and highest rated content
• Subscribers life cycle
• Customized analytics
• If you need to create your live content, we are experts in that too. Discover tiivii