cinfo informs Francisco Conde about its artificial intelligence, 5G, automatic production, IoT and Big Data projects. The company has several projects underway for the Civil UAVS Iniciative and is positioning itself inside and outside of Spain with its intelligent automatic video broadcast system in the cloud.
Next March 21 will be held in Santiago de Compostela, in the AC Palacio del Carmen, "Tecnoloxía e Deporte", promoted by the Fundación Deporte Galego, in collaboration with R and cinfo. The aim of the day is to talk about technological tools to improve sports management and visibility of clubs.
Panorama Audiovisual, the magazine specialized in the broadcast, cinema and new media industry, has this month an article on Artificial Intelligence by Omar Álvarez, Head of intelligent video at cinfo.
Cinfo welcomes the new pool of ICT professionals within the program 'Tecnólogo por un día' organized by the Amtega (Axencia para a Modernización Tecnolóxica) and in which large Galician organizations participate. The deadline for registration is February the 8th.
We have been selected out of 80 proposals as one of the 11 winning projects of GSIC's "Smart Stadium" program. This project will take the Real Club Sociedad stadium one step further in its digital transformation process using connected technology. Tiivii will combine, in Anoeta, traditional video production with R&D to enrich the events held in the stadium.