cinfo informs Francisco Conde about its artificial intelligence, 5G, automatic production, IoT and Big Data projects
The company has several projects underway for the Civil UAVS Iniciative and is positioning itself inside and outside of Spain with its intelligent automatic video broadcast system in the cloud
A Coruña, Friday, April 5, 2019 – cinfopresented today to the Regional Minister of Economy, Francisco Conde, the technological solutions in artificial intelligence, 5G, IoT and Big Data on which the company is currently working for the audio-visual sector, the 4.0 industry and unmanned aeronautics, that place it as a leading company in technological innovation in Galicia.
It was during the visit that the Regional Minister of Economy made today to the company based in the CITIC building of the University of A Coruña, and in which he was accompanied by Ceo, Antonio Rodriguez del Corral, the rector of the UDC, Julio Abalde, the vice-rector of Science Policy, Research and Transfer, Salvador Naya, and the director of CITIC, Manuel F. Gonzalez Penedo.
During the meeting, Conde has been informed of cinfo’s different lines of work -television, industry 4.0 and artificial vision-, and has also been able to hold several meetings with the management team, which has explained the future plans of the company. In addition, he has been able to get to know in detail some of the leading projects that cinfo is currently developing, such as the on-board multi-camera system and real-time orthorectification, included in the initiative for the use of unmanned aerial systems (UAVs) in the civil sphere and in the improvement of public service provision, promoted by the Xunta de Galicia with the aim of turning Galicia into an aeronautical pole of reference in Europe. These systems allow the acquisition, processing, recording and transmission of video from aircraft -drones and helicopters- in full flight to know at all times, or consult on demand, what is happening during a mission. They also improve the quality of the recorded images thanks to cinfo‘s solution for the reprojection and orthorectification of the aerial image, which converts it into a cartographic plane capable of faithfully reproducing the terrain, regardless of the orography.

Artificial intelligence for broadcasting events
cinfo has also established itself as a reference in Galicia with its automatic tracking systems for sports and events based on artificial intelligence, which enable the automatic production of video in the cloud. “Its implementation optimizes the work of television technical teams and reduces production costs, but not only has advantages for the audio-visual sector, but will also allow any sports club, regardless of its size, to obtain more income from their sponsors or directly from their fans. With cinfo‘s solution you can reach large audiences with professional quality through your own automatic tv channel, web or social networks,” explained cinfo‘s Ceo during the visit.

For his part, the Regional Minister of Economy, Business and Industry, Francisco Conde, stressed that “the work carried out by companies such as cinfo contributes to Galicia achieving its objective of placing the ICT sector on the international map to compete with major innovation centres. In this sense, he assured that “the Xunta will continue accompanying the productive fabric of the Community to bring the digital transformation to all companies and make innovation one of the differentiating elements of the Galicia Brand.
About Cinfo
cinfo is a Galician-based company specializing in intelligent automatic video production systems in the cloud. Throughout its more than 15 years of trajectory it has developed user applications and high-performance system architectures for OTT (free-to-air Internet) platforms, smart TV, digital television, mobile apps, artificial vision systems and cloud video processing, positioning itself as a reference provider of metadata (descriptive content such as synopsis or fact sheets) of TV programmes, series and audio-visual content on demand for the Spanish-speaking market. Its clients include large companies and media such as RTVE, FOX, Grupo Televisa, Grupo Euskaltel, Babcock, Xunta de Galicia, Cellnex or Grupo Prisa.