We are looking for clients in Asia and Latin America

Galicia is hosting its 5th reverse trade mission on 27 and 28 November with the aim of opening business in Asia and Latin America.

The aim of the reverse trade mission is to meet potential importers in the “home” of the exporter.

The event, organised by the Cluster TIC of Galicia, will start on the 27th at 9:30 in the morning with the intervention of Augusto Álvarez, director of the Internationalisation Area of IGAPE and Antonio Rodríguez del Corral, president of the Cluster TIC.

It will continue with a day of networking and individual business meetings during which we will have the opportunity to seek synergies with companies coming from Cuba, Japan and Mexico.

Radiocuba, TV Setouchi, Under Armour or Miniso are some of the companies we will have the opportunity to meet.

TV Setouchi

Taking advantage of their stay in Galicia, the Japanese company TV Setouchi will visit our offices on the 28th. They will get to know first-hand our R&D department and how we use Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in products such as tiivii.

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