Artificial Intelligence | Machine Learning | Cloud | Automatic Production | Industry 4.0 | IoT | Smarthome | Metadata
cinfo is a company that specializes in video technologies and everything you need for an Internet TV to work properly. From the generation and administration of metadata, to the complete management of video, interfaces and user apps, websites that respond to subscriptions, transport and distribution of video, encodings and encryption.
In the latest versions of our products we incorporate the concept of automatic television generated and governed by artificial intelligence. This opens up the possibility of generating high quality video and television for small sports, shops, brands, sponsors, concert halls and even for industry. To find out all these possibilities just contact us.
cinfo is a company based on talent and commitment. The team is made up of specialists in different fields: Artificial Intelligence, Video coding, IoT, Bigdata, AndroidTV, UI / UX, design, software development and creation of stories and content.
Anyone with an interest in multimedia technologies or highly scalable technologies is welcome. We like what we do and we like to have colleagues with passion. Doing the minimum is not an option here.
We believe in teamwork and simple solutions. For this reason, we bet on resolute people, with initiative, analysis capacity, autonomy and who are responsible for their projects and their time.
A good working environment is part of our culture, but without childishness. Better an introverted person with dedication and talent than “to be happy without trying to be the best”. There is nothing better than knowing that the other part of the team will never let you down!
If you are looking to join an enthusiastic team that grows quickly, we will be happy to meet you. Take a look at the processes that we have open and sign up.
cinfo is a company co-financed by Xunta de Galicia according to the Resolution of “Axencia Galega de Innovación” (Principia Program) of June 8, 2017. Also, we have staff co-funded by the Xunta de Galicia according to Resolution of “Galician Innovation Invention” (Senior Talent Program) of September 19, 2018.
In 2017 we were beneficiaries of a grant financed by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, whose purpose is to support aeis to improve the competitiveness of SMEs. Our project, Collaborative Artificial Intelligence for Connected Industry 4.0, aims to explore the common and specific needs for the development of new IA algorithms for mass data processing in industrial environments, especially in the manufacturing industry.
In the year 2021 we were the recipients of subsidy from the Intermediate Organism red.es for the development of the technological proposal of digital contents in the Economic and Digital Society Strategy framework of the R&D State Program, oriented towards society challenges and the State Program for corporate leadership in R&D. With this subsidy we will develop an audiovisual platform with live and on demand sports content to help any sports club, league or federation to create their own TV channels. The content will be available on web and app formats, as well as VR and/or smart TVs.

CINFO SL en el marco del Programa ICEX Next, ha contado con el apoyo de ICEX y con la cofinanciación del fondo europeo FEDER. La finalidad de este apoyo es contribuir al desarrollo internacional de la empresa y de su entorno.