Xunta de Galicia presents the new emergency aid platform developed by cinfo

cinfo collaborates with the Xunta de Galicia in the deployment of a new advanced real-time video broadcasting system used in trucks and a state-of-the-art drone aimed at updating and expanding the operational capacity of the Logistics Support Group (GALI) of the Axega.

 All the information obtained is sent to a video platform developed by cinfo that allows both, the live visualization and the management of the images captured by any AXEGA camera or drone as well as images from other external sources.

Thanks to this new platform, decision-makers are offered a global vision in real time of an emergency or mass event, improving the effectiveness of interventions.

The developed platform is completed with a user management system that allows different levels of access to be assigned, guaranteeing information security and optimising collaborative and simultaneous work.

This new system was presented by the Xunta de Galicia as part of the celebration of the European day 112


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